Saturday, March 9, 2024

Come and take it!

Come and Take It
This is a pencil sketch from 2010, that I decided to polish up and paint over sometime in 2021.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Ogre Killer

Ogre Killer Sketch
This is a pencil sketch done in 2009. I honestly don't think I've ever shared it online until now, because I intended to paint over it... that may still happen but it's been about 15 years and I haven't gotten around to it!

Gone Fishing

Gone Fishing Illustration
I was trying to learn to paint water with this painting, made in Photoshop, sometime in 2012.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

A Dark World

A Dark World - Illustration
This is a digital painting which was done in 2016 but then beefed up in Procreate sometime in 2018. My goal when I created this was to illustrate a fantasy landscape, with strange land shapes and a sense of mystery. The mage character is inspired by the video game Magika, and is featured in quite a few of my sketches where I like to add a figure for scale.

Pantiless Assassins 2012

Pantiless Assassin 3
Pantiless Assassin 2
Pantiless Assassin 1
This is a recurring theme in my art, someone started a silly thread on with this prompt and I just kept going... These are all pencil drawings done in 2012, if any editing was done on them it was very minimal.

Undead Berserker Concept

Undead Berserker Concept Art
This is a pencil drawing from 2013, was inspired by the Torchlight video game.

Saturday, March 2, 2024


This is probably the first time in the history of this blog that I am actually posting current work! This guy aims to answer the question "what would happen if your already thick neck grew an extra set of arms?" ... and stuff!
OG Amalgamation Ink Sketch
This is the original ballpoint pen ink sketch from 2022. As you can see it didn't change much between the original and the final painting which was done with Photoshop.