Showing posts with label Eternal Seven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eternal Seven. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Raze Zero Revisited

This is an Eternal Seven character named Raze Zero.

Pencil drawing from 2014, color overlay in Photoshop, otherwise no modifications.  

Friday, May 11, 2018

Dragon Flight

Dragons, nasty creatures, but necessary in war.

Most of the time they want nothing to do with humans, and will unceremoniously murder any in sight. Dragon riders must always stay vigilant, else they might just become the victims.

That being said, some dragon riders, if they survive long enough, end up developing symbiotic relationships with their mounts. Especially in times of war. You see, dragons love war. If you lead them into war, they relish in it. If you feed their thirst for death and destruction, they will come to respect you, and listen to you... and that goad you carry, will no longer be used to smack them into submission, but to simply point them to the next target.

This is a digital painting made in 2018 mostly Procreate and finished in Photoshop.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Carrier Demon - Digital Painting from 2007

Carreir Demons are an original concept of mine developed sometime in the 90s. They are the torturers of whores and prostitutes in Hell. Their standing in the hierarchy of Hell is rather low, they are merely a step above regular devils and demon grunts. But Carrier Demons are physically very powerful, more intimidating in stature, and as common amongst all demons, immune to the fire element despite their ability to manifest in actual flesh.

Victims of Carriers get strapped to the demon's spike covered back in a prone pose, unable to move. The spikes of the demons have incredible regenerative and healing properties. Despite the pain inflicted upon the victim during the strapdown process, the spikes ensure the victim retains some fragment of sanity. Once the strapdown is complete, the Carriers go about their business in Hell, and their victims get raped, eviscerated, shredded, only to heal up to experience a new form of torture. This goes on until the victim's very soul gives up over time on the eternal scale, and is consumed by the demon...

This was a pencil sketch which was painted over in Photoshop, made around 2006, 2007 timeframe. This is also one of my first full digital illustrations. I have never been good in terms of backgrounds and no painting symbolizes this more than this one. This is also one of the first posts I made to this blog, I'm very proud of this creation of mine.